NSF GOLD-EN 2329485 - Improving minority advancement for geoscience equity nationally (IMAGEN): Lixin Jin (PI), Jason W. Ricketts (co-PI), Laura V. Alvarez (co-PI), James B. Chapman (co-PI), and David Young (co-PI).
NSF EAR 2306827 - Investigating the nature and timing of development of the Eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) in southeastern California: Jason Ricketts (PI and Lin Ma (co-PI).
U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Award - Geologic map of parts of the Eagle Mountains SE and Lobo SW quadranlges: Complex Laramide deformation in the Indio Mountains, western Texas: Jason Ricketts (PI).
NSF EAGER 2049603 - Development of techniques for 3D mapping at macroscopic scales: Terry Pavlis (PI), Laura Serpa (co-PI), and Jason W. Ricketts (co-PI).
NSF EAR 1933259 - Collaborative Research: Parsing out the controls of climate, geology, and land use on riverine (234U/238U) ratios in Texas river basins: Lin Ma (PI), Jason W. Ricketts (co-PI) and Rob Rohrbaugh (co-PI), with Pamela Sullivan (Oregon State University PI).
U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Award No. G20AC00150 - Geologic map of the southern Indio Mountains: Reconstructing the transition from Laramide contraction to Rio Grande rift extension: Jason Ricketts (PI).
Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network travel grant
NSF EAR 1624538 - Collaborative Research: Testing two incompatible models for extension in the Rio Grande rift - Basin and Range transition zone of southern New Mexico: Jason Ricketts (PI) with Jeff Amato (NMSU PI).
Acquisition of laboratory supplies for apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology and a case study to investigate the time scales of faulting in the Franklin Mountains, west Texas: UTEP University Research Institute
When did the mountains rise? Using apatite (U-Th)/He ages to quantify uplift in the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico and Colorado: New Mexico Research Grant, Graduate and Professional Student Association, University of New Mexico
Research, Project, and Travel Grant, Office of Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico
Graduate and Professional Student Association Student Research Grant
Joint apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He thermal modeling of the Rio Grande rift: Testing competing models of continuous vs. episodic extension, and delineating the nature of accommodation zones: New Mexico Geological Society Grant-in-Aid scholarship
Quantifying differential uplift associated with the Rio Grande rift utilizing apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He joint thermal modeling techniques: Geological Society of America Student Research Grant
Fault geometry and evolution of low-angle normal fault systems within the Albuquerque Basin, central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Grants-In-Aid Scholarship
Low and high-angle normal faulting and Laramide structures along the western margin of the Rio Grande rift: Implications for groundwater flow within central New Mexico: USGS EDMAP grant awarded to Karl E. Karlstrom and student Jason Ricketts
Characterization of low-angle normal faulting in the Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico: Geological Society of America Student Research Grant
Geologic hazards associated with the Rio Grande rift: A field study within the Sierra Ladrones, New Mexico: Graduate Research and Development Grant, University of New Mexico Graduate and Professional Student Association
Research, Project, and Travel grant, Office of Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico